Modifying DataFrames

Methods for modifying existing Pandas dataframes fall into two categories:

  • chaining together modified copies of an existing dataframe, and

  • modifying the data contained in an existing dataframe in-place.

Mutating DataFrames using assign

The assign method returns a copy of a dataframe, augmented by the column(s) specified in the method. assign fits into the functional ‘method chaining’ paradigm of table manipulation: easy to understand, free of side-effects, and easily generalized to distributed data processing libraries. However, when used in Pandas, assign returns a copy of the dataframe, making it a poor choice for manipulating a large dataset on a single processor.

Given an input dataframe df and N Series series1, ..., seriesN:

df.assign(newcol1=series1, ..., newcolN=seriesN)

returns a copy of df with the N additional columns labeled as newcol1, ..., newcolN. The new columns are aligned by their indexes.

Example: Given dataframe of random integers, with columns:

  • rand_big containing integers 0-9 inclusive,

  • rand_small containing integers 0-2 inclusive

rand_df = pd.DataFrame({
    'rand_big': np.random.randint(10,size=5), 
    'rand_small': np.random.randint(3, size=5)
rand_big rand_small
0 8 1
1 0 0
2 5 1
3 6 1
4 9 1

To append boolean columns to rand_df that specifies if a given entry of rand_big is divisible by 3 and if a given entry of rand_small is even:

    big_is_div3=(rand_df['rand_big'] % 3 == 0), 
    small_is_even=(rand_df['rand_small'] % 2 == 0)
rand_big rand_small big_is_div3 small_is_even
0 8 1 False False
1 0 0 True True
2 5 1 False False
3 6 1 True False
4 9 1 True False

Alternatively, the names of the columns can be passed in the keys of a keyword dictionary. This is useful when the new column names contain spaces or special characters:

new_cols = {
    'big_is_div3': rand_df['rand_big'] % 3 == 0,
    'small_is_even': rand_df['rand_small'] % 2 == 0

rand_big rand_small big_is_div3 small_is_even
0 8 1 False False
1 0 0 True True
2 5 1 False False
3 6 1 True False
4 9 1 True False

When building a new dataframe from derived columns as above, a common pattern is to assign new columns to an empty dataframe:

big_is_div3 small_is_even
0 False False
1 True True
2 False False
3 True False
4 True False

Modifying an existing dataframe

A Pandas dataframe is a columnar data store where each column is a Series keyed by its column name. Just as columns (and subtables) selected using [] and loc, they can be also be set/modified by reassigning the data associated to a given key. While this approach is the most common way to modify a dataframe, it usually isn’t the best way to modify them; using assign is the better choice when possible.

Given an input dataframe df and N Series series1, ..., seriesN:

df['newcol1'] = series1 
df['newcolN'] = seriesN

modifies df by adding N additional columns labeled as newcol1, ..., newcolN. The new columns are aligned by their indexes.

Remark: Modifying a dataframe via column/index reassignment is the most time/space efficient procedure on a single processor. However it has many disadvantages worth understanding. Reassignment

  • encourages procedural code that is hard to maintain and extend (unlike method chaining),

  • often has side-effects on existing dataframes that cause hard-to-find bugs. This is especially true when working in Jupyter notebooks, as re-running previous code on a modified dataframe may lead to unintended output.

  • obfuscates the data processing logic and makes it harder to translate the code into a distributed environment.

Example: To append boolean columns to rand_df that specifies if a given entry of rand_big is divisible by 3 and if a given entry of rand_small is even:

rand_df['big_is_div3'] = rand_df['rand_big'] % 3 == 0
rand_df['small_is_even'] = rand_df['rand_small'] % 2 == 0

rand_big rand_small big_is_div3 small_is_even
0 8 1 False False
1 0 0 True True
2 5 1 False False
3 6 1 True False
4 9 1 True False

Modifying subtables with loc

One can also (re-)assign columns using loc. Given an input dataframe df and N Series series1, ..., seriesN:

df.loc[:, 'newcol1'] = series1 
df.loc[:, 'newcolN'] = seriesN

modifies df by adding N additional columns labeled as newcol1, ..., newcolN. The new columns are aligned by their indexes.

Example: To append boolean columns to rand_df that specifies if a given entry of rand_big is divisible by 3 and if a given entry of rand_small is even:

rand_df.loc[:, 'big_is_div3'] = rand_df['rand_big'] % 3 == 0
rand_df.loc[:, 'small_is_even'] = rand_df['rand_small'] % 2 == 0

rand_big rand_small big_is_div3 small_is_even
0 8 1 False False
1 0 0 True True
2 5 1 False False
3 6 1 True False
4 9 1 True False

Remark: Note, this code actually reassigns the two new columns, as we modifying the original dataframe in the previous example!

Modify tables with loc actually allows to modify subsets of rows as well. Generally, just as one can selecting general subtables using loc and boolean arrays, one can also reassign those selected values. For example, to add a column small_number_type that labels each value of rand_small as either Even or Odd:

# copy rand_small data to a new column
rand_df.loc[:, 'small_number_type'] = rand_df['rand_small']

# boolean arrays for selecting even/odd entries
evens_bool = rand_df['rand_small'] % 2 == 0
odds_bool = rand_df['rand_small'] % 2 == 1

# reassign even/odd entries to the values 'Even'/'Odd'
rand_df.loc[evens_bool, 'small_number_type'] = 'Even'
rand_df.loc[odds_bool, 'small_number_type'] = 'Odd'

rand_big rand_small big_is_div3 small_is_even small_number_type
0 8 1 False False Odd
1 0 0 True True Even
2 5 1 False False Odd
3 6 1 True False Odd
4 9 1 True False Odd

Warning: chained assignment

Modifying a dataframe through reassignment sometimes leads to unexpected results, especially when part of a long data cleaning process. The root of these ambiguities come from whether certain Pandas operations return copy or a reference to the underlying object being modified. This behavior is context dependent (e.g. it may depend on the data-types present in the dataframe.

Unintentionally setting new values on a copy dataframe, instead of a reference, leads to unexpected results. This most commonly happens when performing chained assignment – reassigning values to a dataframe created from multiple indexing operations.

Pandas will return a SettingWithCopyWarning when attempting to reassign the values of a dataframe that is already a copy of a dataframe. Such code is ambiguous: is the reassignment intended for solely the copy or the original dataframe as well? Regardless, such code is unclear and assign should be used if possible.

Example: The different chained assignments of the table numbers illustrate the dangers of chained assignment.

numbers = pd.DataFrame([['even', 2, 4, 6], ['odd', 1, 3, 5]], columns=['type', 'A', 'B', 'C'])
type A B C
0 even 2 4 6
1 odd 1 3 5

The first .loc returns a copy; the reassignment is performed on a copy that is not saved to a variable. This results in the value remaining unchanged.

numbers_modify1 = numbers.copy()

numbers_modify1.loc[1].loc['B'] = 1
type A B C
0 even 2 4 6
1 odd 1 3 5

Removing the chained assignment returns the expected result: the 3 is changed to a 1.

numbers_modify3 = numbers.copy()

numbers_modify3.loc[1, 'B'] = 1
type A B C
0 even 2 4 6
1 odd 1 1 5

For performance reasons, Pandas often returns a reference instead of a copy when the underlying DataFrame has homogeneous data-type. This leads to different results from the previous illustration! After dropping the object type column in numbers, chained assignment manages to give to the desired result.

without_type = numbers.drop('type', axis=1) # drop returns a copy!
without_type.loc[1].loc['B'] = 1
0 2 4 6
1 1 1 5

Example: Chained assignment usually appears when reassignment to on a subtable created through more complicated processing. Selecting a subtable creates a copy; modifying that subtable doesn’t affect the original table.

firstrow = numbers.loc[numbers['C'] == 6]
type A B C
0 even 2 4 6
firstrow.loc[0, 'A'] = 100
type A B C
0 even 100 4 6
type A B C
0 even 2 4 6
1 odd 1 3 5